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Synching with the Celtic Seasons

Thu, Jul 29


Hestia Mount Shasta Retreat Center

~personal retreat to prepare for autumn ~

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Synching with the Celtic Seasons
Synching with the Celtic Seasons

Time & Location

Jul 29, 2021, 3:00 PM – Aug 02, 2021, 3:05 PM

Hestia Mount Shasta Retreat Center, Stewart Springs Rd, CA

About the Event

Syncing into the rhythm of the seasons is a practice of noticing. Slowing down enough to notice the sometimes subtle, sometimes dramatic changes on the land and opening your heart to the messages nature offers us on our inward journey.

You are invited to Mount Shasta Hestia Retreat Center to listen to the messages from the land and bring your awareness to the beginning of seasonal shifts in a series of personal retreats offered this year at the beginning of August, and November. In the Celtic tradition, cross-quarter dates mark the beginning of the season or midpoints between the solstices and equinoxes. These personal retreats at the beginning of the season will help you prepare for the upcoming season of autumn and winter.

Preparing for Autumn: Thursday, July 29 - Monday, August 2

Autumn celebrates the growth that has come from the energy poured into the earth and ourselves. In Celtic tradition Lughnasa or Lammas celebrates the very first of the harvest season at the midpoint between summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and autumn equinox. To prepare yourself to balance the energy of summer with the decent into winter...

  • private sound healing session with Joy, blending guided breathwork, body/nature awareness, and intention setting with specific energetic resonance explore: what gifts are you ready to receive or harvest? What are you ready to let go of in your life to find balance?
  • together we will tune into the energy of the creek flowing through Hestia with a 2 hour community sound bath allowing the sounds and energy of alchemy crystal singing bowls and the creek to wash over us noticing what emotions are flowing through the body and where there is flow in our lives.

Creekside Community Sound Bath, Fri. July 30, 2:22pm

Following the creek as our energetic guide this community sound bath will be a chance to tune into autumn’s rapidly flowing waters. Cozy up next to the creek, through gently guided breathwork reconnect with your senses and your heart. Allow the sounds of the creek and the singing bowls to carry you into a deep practice of restorative rest. Sound helps the mind to settle, supports the brain in entering a peaceful theta (or pre-sleep) state, and engages the parasympathetic nervous system to let the body relax and access the benefits of rest. The vibration/energy of alchemy quartz crystal singing bowls can be impactful physically on the mind/body, as well as energetically on the subtle energy bodies. Gentle attention will be given to the heart chakra of each person to support your connection to the element of water to balance the fire of long days under the Leo sun. You may want to complete your sound bath with a cold plunge into the creek!

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