Sound healing can be impactful both physically on the mind/body and energetically on the subtle energy bodies.
Why schedule a 1:1 sound session?
receive support for your healing journey
quiet the mind
reconnect with your physical body
practice noticing your feelings first
check-in on your heart
experience mind/body/spirit integration
restore your nervous system
release trauma from the body
align your energy centers/chakras
similar to getting a good night of sleep
discover crystal allies
experience healing with nature
make space for joy
Read more about the benefits of practicing restorative rest supported by the calming sounds of crystal singing bowls.​

A small, powerful,
alchemy crystal singing bowl
What to Expect during a 1:1 Sound Session with Joy
Each session different alchemy crystal singing bowls want to play with your energy, creating a personalized and unique soundscape every session.
These trauma-healing sessions are non-touch and include gentle prompts and choice-points about if you want to experience guided breathwork, practice body awareness or guided nature imagery; at no point will the bowls be placed on your physical body.
The singing bowls are played with gentle energy with the intention of supporting you connecting to your body and heart and facilitating self-compassion and emotional healing.
Your intentions for each session will guide the flow and focus on your energy centers to cleanse and to energize, as needed.

Online Session
University of California, Berkeley students, staff, and faculty impacted by SV/SH can book online sessions. Please complete The PATH to Care Center's form.
Spring Semester dates:
February - April 2025
Available on Fridays

"I have been doing online Sound Therapy with Joy for over three years and have been amazed at how it has helped me experience healing through deep inner peace of my body and mind. The sounds impact me at a cellular level."
Maricela, Online Sessions as Hummingbird Patron
"I received a personal session on Samhain in our ancestral grove. It was powerful the transmissions that came through. The bowls were intentionally channeled for me to receive healing in my body and also important insights around my intention of expansive co-creation. It's a special and sacred gift to be able to receive sound healing from Joy."
Belinda, Co-Stewart of Hestia Retreat Center

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